In Memory of Chuck Goro

Chuck GoroIn 2000 after a routine doctor’s visit, Charles E. Goro was diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer. He was a loving husband, brother, son and a father of five at the time of diagnosis.

Chuck Goro was 51 years old when he was diagnosed. Among men with high-grade and advanced-stage prostate cancer, those diagnosed at a young age have a higher cause-specific mortality than men diagnosed at an older age, except those over age 80 years.

Furthermore, although the majority of men with early onset prostate cancer are diagnosed with low-risk disease, the extended life expectancy of these patients exposes them to long-term effects of treatment-related morbidities and to long-term risk of disease progression leading to death from prostate cancer.

“Early onset prostate cancer tends to be aggressive, striking down men in the prime of their life.” – Dr. Kathleen Cooney, professor of internal medicine and urology at the University of Michigan.

Chuck passed away on Superbowl Sunday, February 5, 2017, after a long, hard-fought battle with prostate cancer. Today, his family honors his memory by encouraging early testing, education and fundraising to help combat this disease. Our goal is to raise funds and awareness to advance treatments and improve quality of life for brothers, fathers, sons and families impacted by prostate cancer everywhere.


Salinas, C. A., Tsodikov, A., Ishak-Howard, M., & Cooney, K. A. (2014). Prostate cancer in young men: An important clinical entity. Nature Reviews Urology, 11(6), 317-323. DOI: 10.1038/nrurol.2014.91

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